
Lesson Report Junior-4 April 9th, 2022

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Saturday, April 9, 2022.
The weather is so nice today!
Do you have any plans today?
You should take a break this afternoon and tomorrow if you are tired.
Everything is new now, so you need to relax on the weekend.

Have a good weekend.
See you on Tuesday!


<Lesson Review>

Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 14 Unit 1

(p. 46) Verbs from Book 1 Regular verbs-1

#67-73  Practice (Repeating in pairs.) 

 67 私たちは昨夜10人のお客さんを招きました。

68 A: 何か手伝いが必要ですか。 

B: いいえ、けっこうです。

69 ジェニファーは決してスケートをしません。

70 私の午前中の授業は8時半に始まります。

71 私たちは祖父母を1カ月に1度訪ねます。

72 私はフレッドを30分待ちました。

73 ダニーは朝食にいくらかのトーストが欲しいです。

Chapter 14 Unit 1

Grammar and Communication-1

(p. 26) Study the examples.

(p. 27) Exercise-1

#1 Complete the text individually. => Read and check.

(p. 28) #2-a. Demonstration. => Work in pairs. (Take notes.)

=> Write a report about a partner and post. 

基礎英語2 April Issue

Review indirect speech reports. 


(p. 24-) Lesson 2

Shadowing. => Model reading. => Overlapping. => Role-play.

(p. 28-) Lesson 3

Shadowing. => Model reading. => Overlapping => Role-play.

(p. 32-) Lesson 4

Shadowing. => Overlapping. 


(p. 36) Lesson 5

Listen and take notes.

Write a summary of the week in 5 sentences. 






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