
Lesson Report Junior-1 January 15th

Good evening, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Friday, January 15th.
It was cloudy today. We're going to have a warm sunny day tomorrow.
What did you learn today?
If you can talk about past events, you can tell many things in English!
Isn't it wonderful?

Stay healthy and work hard!
Have a great weekend.
See you all next week!


<Lesson Review>

Song: Top of the world



基礎英語 1月号

(p. 38) Lesson 157

Talk about the picture. => Listen to the story. => Talk about the story.

Check Words and Phrases. => Repeat with the textbook closed. 

Open the textbooks and practice reading the text out loud.

Today’s CAN-DO: Practice the sentences and pronunciation of the past tense of the verbs.  => Say the sentences from Japanese in pairs. => Copy the sentences. 

(p. 42) Lesson 158

Talk about the picture. => Listen to the story. => Talk about the story.

Check Words and Phrases. => Repeat with the textbook closed. 

Open the textbooks and practice reading the text out loud.

Today’s CAN-DO: Practice the sentences and pronunciation of the past tense of the verbs.  => Ask and answer in pairs. Write and post a report about a partner.

Grammar Starter Unit 13  I like school

(p. 63) 

#7 Complete the text individually. => Check the answers in groups. => Practice reading the text all together. 

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