
Lesson Report Junior-3 January 23rd

Good evening, Class!

This is Towako from MEL School.  
It's Saturday, January 23rd, 2021.
It's been raining! We are having cold rain. Is it going to snow a lot tomorrow?
According to the forecast, we will have a lot of snow even in Tokyo.
Be safe! Stay home and finish your presentation!!

Get ready for your big presentation on the 27th!
You have only tomorrow to prepare for it!
See you all on Wednesday @8:00!


<Lesson Review>

Chapter 33 Unit 2

(p. 121) Grammar and Communication-1  have been doing

Review: Overlap the sentences.


(p. 122) #2 Complete the short conversations individually. => Check the answers all together. => Practice in pairs. 

(p. 123) Grammar and Communication-2  had finished

Study the examples.


(p. 123) #1 Complete the sentences all together. => Practice reading by Read and Look up.

#2 Complete the sentences all together. => Practice making sentences in pairs.


基礎英語3 (1月号)

Lesson 159 An unusual way to live

Listen and read the text.

Review the task: Coober Pedyがどのような場所か特徴を全て入れて簡潔に150字以内で説明しなさい。=> Share good ones: Nodoka, Mirei



Lesson 162  It’s my pleasure

Listen and tell a partner about the skit: Why did the woman give the boy a plaster? What did the woman ask him to do?

Listen and repeat without looking at the text. => Overlap the text. 

Weekly CAN-DO: Practice the expressions.

Today’s Grammar: Remind them of BW-2 page 206. 

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