
Lesson Report for Junior 1 class 

Here is your Lesson Report for May 16th. 

Have a fantastic week and I hope to see you soon !

⭐️Typing 練習

⭐️基礎英語1 May Issue 

(p. 28-) Lesson 24 

Let’s check Today’s Scene. 

Talk about the picture. 

Who is Sota? -> He is a sumo wrestler. 🤔

I see Fiona. I see Kento. I see 4 anime posters. I see a sales clerk. I see a doll. 

🎧Listen to the skit. => Question: Does Shota have many DVDs? – Yes, he does. He 

has about three hundred anime DVDs.

Role-play. => Present. 


(p. 32-) Lesson 25

Listen and Remember => Shadowing.

Mr. Honda’s Corner:  場所を表す前置詞

Writing practice. Write sentences in notebook and send via Google Classroom 

⭐️Winpass (p. 8)

(p. 12) PreUnit 4 

Picture Word Box 3 位置

(p. 13) Word Activity

👍Lesson Review => Google Classroom

Homework 📚 

Workbook PreUnit 4 (pp. 8-9)

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