
Lesson Report Junior-1 September 15th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Tuesday, September 15!
It's cool in the morning and evening these days.
It's nice, isn't it?
As Amane says, we can enjoy many kinds of food in autumn!

Keep trying!!

Have another wonderful week!
See you all on Friday!


<Lesson Review>


Song: Try Everything 


Lessons 89 (p. 46-)

Look at the picture and talk about it. 

Listen and talk about the story. 

Check the vocabulary. 

Practice reading the text out loud.  *Slash reading with Japanese

Today’s CAN-DO (Slash Reading)

Practice vocabulary (J => E) and Repeating in pairs.

Lessons 90 (p. 50-)

Listen to the week’s stories taking notes.

Talk about the story in class, then in pairs. 

Practice CAN-DO of the Week (Slash Reading)


  1. わたしたちは を開きます ・ 12月に ・ 大きなクリスマスパーティー
  2. わたしたちは12月に大きなクリスマスパーティーを開きます。
  3. 秋には ・ 栗やキノコ ・ が食べられます
  4. 秋には栗やキノコが食べられます
  5. わたしの家族とわたしは ・ 夕ごはんの後に ・ たいてい ・ 歌います
  6. わたしの家族とわたしは夕ごはんの後にたいてい歌います。
  7. ときどき花びらが ・ 散って ・ わたしの部屋に入って
  8. ときどき花びらが散ってわたしの部屋に入ってきます。

Grammar Starter Unit 10 

(p. 46) Exercise-5 Review: Read the conversation all together. 

(p. 46) Exercise-6 Complete Nick and Amanda’s conversation 

Speech Navigator 1  

Unit 1 About Myself 

 (p. 8) Review the report about partners.   

the sixth/seventh grade, nickname, doesn’t like

Review the questions and answers. => Make your original question. => Work in pairs. 

Write a report about a partner.

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