
Lesson Report Junior-3 September 16th

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Thursday, September 17th.

The weather is hazy today.

Do you miss the sunshine?

It's going to be very hot again tomorrow!

Please stay healthy!

See you all on Saturday at 7:30!

*前回と同じミーティングID, パスワードで参加してください

<Lesson Review>


New Presentation: Sports or Music

Yusei (Sep. 26) => Akira (Sep. 30) => Atsuya (Oct. 3) => Kota (Oct. 7) Masamune =>  (Oct. 10) => Marina (Oct. 14) => Mirei (Oct. 17) => Mone (Oct. 21) => Nodoka (Oct. 24) => Ryota (Oct. 28) => Shiki (Oct. 31) => Shiori (Nov. 4) => Shunnosuke (Nov. 7) => Takumi (Nov. 11) => Yuiko (Nov. 14) => Yuki (Nov. 18)  

Bridge to MEL Book 2

Chapter 24 Unit 2 

(p. 219) Exercise-4

#1 Talk about your last week. => Review: Check Teacher’s feedback and try again. 

*You need to check Teacher’s message and if your grade is below B-, attend the support time @7:15. 

(p. 220) #2-a. Review the vocabulary on page 104. => Complete the sentences all together. => Repeat after Teacher. -> Fill in the blanks. => Repeating in pairs. 

Key Communication: Complete the sentences all together. => Repeat after Teacher. -> Write the sentences. => Repeating in pairs.

Speech Navigator Unit 5 Music

*You will have a presentation about Sports or Music. 

(p. 36) Overlapping the Advanced Sample Speech.

(pp. 32-33) Check the questions on page 32 and Phrase Station.  Repeat after the audio.


Lesson 89

Listen and take notes. => Talk with your partner. 

Backtranlate Summary:

<日本にやってきた>ある男の人が彼の間違いについて話しています。(関係代名詞 who)

初めて電車に乗った時、彼は<彼の駅には止まらない>準急(複数)に乗ってしまいました。(関係代名詞 that)


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