
Lesson Report Junior-2 September 2nd

Hello everyone! 

This is Towako from MEL School.

How are you spending the first Friday in September?

It's sunny and hot again!

Don't be outside too long, everyone.


See you on Monday at 7:45!



<Lesson Review>

Bridge to MEL 2

(p. 24) Verbs from Book 1 #27-34

Reading check. => Give them Japanese. => Practice from Japanese to English in pairs. => Post the English sentences for the Japanese sentences below.

27. 私たちは土曜日にドッグランへ行きました。

28. 私は中国の歴史について少し知っていました。

29. ロンは先週の月曜日に、新しい自転車に乗って学校に行きました。

30. 私は10分前にジョージをそこで見ました。

31. ライリー先生はそのパーティで4曲歌いました。

32. ジェニファーは3年前は少しだけ英語を話しました。

33. 私は休暇中に毎日泳ぎました。

34. A:どのぐらいの時間がかかりましたか。 B: 1時間かかりました。


Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 16 Unit 2

(p. 72) Exercise-2   

#2 Complete the sentences all together. => Repeat after Teacher. => Role-play in pairs. (Act out the roles in turn.)


Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 16 Unit 2

(p. 72-73) Recap and Key Communication

Review the sentences: Read and look up. => Practice repeating in pairs.



Lesson 65

(p. 16-23) Read the text out loud all together. 

Task: Write the answer to the question in three sentences and post.

‘Why did Kaito bring his basketball from Japan?’

*Kaito brought the basketball because it’s very special to him. It [The ball] is the ball from the winning match of the regional tournament. His coach gave it to him as a graduation present.

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