
Lesson Report Junior-3 September 19th

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Sunday, September 20th.

It got much cooler than yesterday.

Don't catch a cold!

Enjoy the four or three-day weekend!

See you all on Wednesday at 7:30!

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<Lesson Review>


Presentation: Sports or Music

Yusei (Sep. 26) => Akira (Sep. 30) => Atsuya (Oct. 3) => Kota (Oct. 7) Masamune =>  (Oct. 10) => Marina (Oct. 14) => Mirei (Oct. 17) => Mone (Oct. 21) => Nodoka (Oct. 24) => Ryota (Oct. 28) => Shiki (Oct. 31) => Shiori (Nov. 4) => Shunnosuke (Nov. 7) => Takumi (Nov. 11) => Yuiko (Nov. 14) => Yuki (Nov. 18)  

Bridge to MEL Book 2

Chapter 25

(p. 222) Grammar in Use

#1 Answer the questions and complete the text.

#2 Write and post your answer. 


Lesson 89

Review: Backtranlate Summary:

<日本にやってきた>ある男の人が彼の間違いについて話しています。(関係代名詞 who)

初めて電車に乗った時、彼は<彼の駅には止まらない>準急(複数)に乗ってしまいました。(関係代名詞 that)


A man who came to Japan is talking about his mistakes.

The first time he caught the train, he took semi-express trains that didn’t stop his station.

At a supermarket, he bought kimuchi but he thought it was a tomato sauce for pasta. 

Lesson 91

Talk about the picture. => Listen to the conversation. => Talk about the conversation. => Check Words and phrases. => Practice words and phrases. => Repeat after audio with the text closed. => Overlapping.

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