
Lesson Report Junior-1 April 8th

Hello everyone in J1 class!  This is Miharu from MEL School.
It’s Monday, April 8th, 2019.
It was chilly and rainy today. 

We practiced how to tell time.  It was something new to know that we say ten oh(="o")  five for 10:05. 
(今回は時計の読み方を練習しました 10:05=ten oh fiveと言うのを初めて覚えた人も多くいましたね)

(BridgeWork1では、...ではありません/...ですか? のように、否定の言い方と短縮形、質問文とその答え方を新しく学習しました  I am not(=I'm not) .../ You are not(You aren't).../ Are you...?)

Today's Voice Recognition(レッスンの最後に音声認識システムで正しい発音やリズムの達成度を確認します):
You aren't thirsty.
You are hungry.
Are you Canadian?
I am not hungry.
Are you Canadian?

Lesson Review (今回の活動内容です)

1. Phonics 1
Cousin sound: P-B, F-Vなど、口の動きは同じでも、無声音と有声音で音が変わる"いとこ音"を学習しました

2. Engage Starter
[Welcome Unit] 
Telling the Time (p.8)

3. Bridge Work 1  
[Chapter1 Unit1]
 Grammar and Communication-2 (p.9)
Grammar and Communication-3 (p.10)
Ex-3 #1-a.

Engage StarterTelling the Time Ex-1 (p.8)
Bridge Work 1Ex-2 , Ex-3 #1-a. (p.9-10)

Enjoy your first semester at school! 
See you on Thursday. 


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