
Lesson Report Junior-3 April 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, April 19, 2019.
It's cloudy and warm.
One more week to go before the long holiday!

Speech order:  Hana (Apr. 15) => Kodai (Apr. 18) => Satomi (Apr. 22) => Sota A. (Apr. 25) =>  Sota S.  (May 6)  => Rin (May 9) =>  Kei (May 13) => Hayato (May 16)  => Tamaki (May 20) =>  Kosei (May 23) => Rie (May 27) 
*4月15日(月)からLive Speechです

<Lesson Review>
Greeting  Date, weather
Review practice: How many new friends have you made since April?
Speech: Kodai

 March Issue
Review Lessons 7 and 8  Reading aloud along the audio
Revise the summary
基礎英語3-2019 April Issue
Lesson 9
Listen to the story => Ask what they heard.  => Repeating
Practice: How do I look?  => You look great! => Oh, thank you!

Lesson 10
Listen to the story
=> Ask what they heard. => Tell partner what you have heard. => Practice reading aloud
Task: Practice the summary. => Tell your partner the summary. => Write and post.
When Asuka comes, Yukichi is very excited. Asuka loves playing with RoboCorpus and Yukichi feels sad. He tells his parents he doesn’t like RoboCorpus.

Chapter 28 Unit 1
(p. 39) Vocabulary in Use #2 人の生活や一生に関する表現 (2)
Check the pronunciation and practice the example sentences aloud.

Chapter 28 Unit 1  Key Communication (p. 41)
Write and post.

Chapter 26 Unit 1
(p. 13) Reporting
Practice reporting in class. => Write the indirect sentences. => Practice in pairs.

Chapter 26 Unit 1
(p. 12) Grammar in Use  Planning a trip to Oxford-1
ð  Watch a video.
Read and memorize as many things as possible in two minutes.

ð  Answer the questions asked by the teacher.

Have a wonderful holiday!
See you next week!


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