
Lesson Report Junior-2 October 26th


Lesson Report for Monday, October 26th, 2020

It was a lovely sunny day today, wasn’t it?

You did very well in today’s lesson. Let’s all start putting our hands up to volunteer answering questions from now on!

Please see below to review what we did in today’s lesson.


Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 17 Unit 2

(p. 84) Exercise-1

#1-c. Review

#2  Complete the conversation all together. => Practice reading the text aloud. => Role-play


(p. 85) Grammar and Communication-2    Pattern Practice

Repeat the example sentences with the textbook closed. => Read and look up. => Practice Japanese to English all together.


#1. Complete the sentences all together. => Practice the sentences with the blanks. => Then fill in the blanks. => Practice the conversations in pairs.


Quiz: Post the English for the following Japanese sentences.

1.    私たちの英語の先生は私たちにレッスン中によくYouTubeの動画(YouTube video)を見せてくれます。

2.    私のお兄さんは私に昨日彼のお気に入りの漫画本を貸してくれました。

3.    私にいくつかサンドイッチを作ってくれませんか、お母さん。

4.    そのニュースを私に教えて(聞かせて)もらえませんか。


Review Kiso Eigo Lesson 85 Can-do Practice. => Memorize corrected original sentences, and share them with the class.


HOMEWORK: Review Essays and rewrite them!


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